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Seed Technologies


*Data available below

Seed Pelleting

Seed Biopelleting

Seed Disinfection

Corn DW.jpg
Red Arrow Down.png

Seed Biocoating

Seed Biopriming

Seed Coating

Corn seed priming

Seed Priming Protocol 'AZTEC'


These are results on the effects of priming on a popcorn (Zea mays L.) variety. 

AZTEC increased seed vigour (+53%), number of usable plants (+24%) and above-ground fresh weight biomass of seedlings (+23%) when seeds were germinated under slightly less favourable temperature conditions (17-18ºC day/14-15ºC night). This proves that this priming is especially useful in early sowings and colder climates.

1. Trays C v. Aztec.jpg
2. C. v. AZ Layout.jpg
3. Vigour and UP popcorn.jpg
4. FW Biomass popcorn.jpg
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